Standard courier

All shipping methods

Send with guaranteed
delivery to the customer's address

from PLN 23.18

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Delivery time95% of shipments arrive in 1 day
Weightup to 50 kilograms
Sizesmax. sum of dimensions 220 cm
(longest side is 120 cm)

The best courier service in Poland

We are the best-rated courier company of 2019 according to the Polish Institute for Quality Research, which confirms the high quality of our services. Your customers can enjoy fast delivery and also benefit from many unique additional options.

Dynamic redirecting

In the event that we are unable to successfully deliver the Shipment to your customer, we will make another attempt to deliver it on the next day or, with the consent of the recipient, we will forward it to the nearest Parcel Service Point. Your customer can also use the free option of dynamic parcel redirection to a Parcel Locker, Parcel Service Point, or to a neighbour.

We even deliver on Saturdays

The standard Courier service is available on business days from Monday to Friday. However, you can opt for an additional delivery option, including delivery on Saturday. We provide this service only if you send your Shipment on Friday to cities with InPost courier network branches.

Continuous collection of shipments

We collect parcels from institutional clients 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday, until 17:00. We are efficient and energetic - we usually deliver parcels to the recipient's door on the next day!

We deliver at a specific time

For the sake of your customers' satisfaction, you can use the 10/12/17 Delivery service. We deliver your shipments on business days before a time you specify. Check the offer here.

Shipping with Cash-on-delivery option

Maximize the convenience of shopping in your e-store and provide customers with the additional option of cash-on-delivery shipping. The service includes parcel delivery and collecting cash from the recipient in the amount indicated on the waybill. The maximum deadline for transferring money from payments is up to 5 business days from the day after delivery.