Allegro Paczkomat InPost 24/7

All shipping methods

The cheapest delivery
for your customers

PLN 10.95 gross

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Special offer for Allegro sellers

Delivery time 98% of parcels arrive in 1 day
Weight up to 25 kilograms
Sizes max. 41 × 38 × 64 cm

Competitive shipping cost and fast delivery

We anticipate that the shipment will reach the recipient within two days at the latest. Statistics, however, say it happens twice as fast!

Full control over shipment statuses

You have full control over every stage of the delivery.

Additional Cover for up to PLN 5 000

No need to worry about additional costs of parcel insurance - all Allegro shipments are Additional Cover for up to PLN 5 000.


Offer your customers convenient cash-on-delivery shipping with the Allegro Parcel Locker24/7 InPost service.

Free returns

Your customers can take advantage of the free return option. Offer them a convenient cash on delivery service as part of the Allegro Paczkomaty 24/7 InPost service with delivery to Parcel Locker and Parcel Service Points.

Parcel tracking

The buyer can check where their Allegro shopping package is at any time. All they have to do is use the search engine on the InPost website or send a message through the chatbot.