InPost Foundation

We inspire and
support development

InPost is created by PEOPLE. InPost Foundation was created to support our Employees and help them develop their passions. We want them to be able to acquire new competencies and build self-confidence that allows them to boldly push forward and realize their dreams. Creative thinking and courage are integral to the development history of our services, so we want to support the entire #InPostTeam in this regard. We also help our Employees in difficult situations of hardship and in carrying out their own charitable activities.

InPost today is an international organization, but our strength will always remain nurturing the spirit of a startup – flexibility, going above and beyond, constantly improving services and looking for new opportunities. We never forget our roots!

The main goals of our InPost Foundation:

  1. Supporting InPost Employees and their families in difficult situations,
  2. Helping Employees carry out activities that translate into positive social engagement, as they relate to, for example, sustainable development, support for local communities, education of children and young people or are implemented in the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation,
  3. Supporting Employees who pursue their passions in sports.

We want to inspire the people of InPost and give them the tools so that in their daily lives they do not lack the confidence to reach higher. It is for this reason that the InPost Foundation was established.

Foundation Board

Marcin Pulchny
president of the board


Adam Aleksandrowicz
vice president of the board

